Kevin Kania Kevin Kania

New Record #6

Fucked Up - One Day

Fucked Up can get a little yelly for me, but this one is a little more subdued than some of their other stuff. Really like Cicada.

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Kevin Kania Kevin Kania

New Record #5

Discovery - LP

Surprised to see this reissued. Presuming it was because Rostam has become bigger since then, as Ra Ra Riot has been pretty quiet for awhile. I think Ra Ra Riot took the wrong lessons from this experiment and went more electronic, muddling their sound, but this was a pretty good one-off. Also, this is from 2009?

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Kevin Kania Kevin Kania

Song of the Day #41

Cursive/Cymbals Eat Guitars - Hey Jealousy (Gin Blossoms Cover)

RIP AV Undercover. This was among the best of the bunch.

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Kevin Kania Kevin Kania

Song of the Day #38

Camp Cope - UFO Lighter

They just announced their break-up, which is a shame. Caught them play Hard Luck Bar a few years back. Highly recommend listening to How to Socialise & Make Friends.

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